CellXU is a growing company composed of a group of cross-disciplinary professional designers. Since August 2015, it had been established in Kaohsiung. We are specializing in interactive software development, customizing APP, and system Integration.

  • We have rich experience in followings:
    1. Interactive exhibition development using KINECT , LEAPMOTION , AR , etc.
    2 . Customizing app design and development for both Android & IOS.
  • Furthermore, we have two studios:
    “Polsar Games” and “Ryotaro Studio” to develop mobile games.

CellXU 細胞連線有限公司是由一群跨領域專業成員所組成的開發團隊,於2015年8月高雄成立,專業領域以 互動軟體開發 及 客製APP 為主,與系統整合商長期合作,軟硬體整合具有豐富經驗。

  • 主要從事
    1. 展場互動軟體開發 (KINECT, LEAPMOTION, AR…等相關技術)
    2. 客製 Android & IOS APP
  • 另設立
    Polsar Games 與 漁太郎工作室,以開發手機遊戲為主。

Polsar Games

Ryotaro Studio